

热门搜索:军事模型 航天模型 飞机模型 坦克模型 变形金刚模型 钢雕模型
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发布时间:2024-06-07 来源:/


  The tank model is also a very popular military model among military enthusiasts, and large-scale military models are particularly important in commercial activities. Some businesses also take advantage of the holiday to carry out shopping planning activities. Large scale tank models are also installed in front of shopping malls to attract the attention of customers and play a marketing role. The production process of large tank models


  1. The guide wheel is made of high molecular weight polyethylene; 2. Gas spring (metal+inert gas); 3. Load bearing wheels (high molecular weight polyethylene); 4. Spring (metal); 5. Tug boat (high molecular weight polyethylene); 6. Rubber tracks; 7. Metal gears.


  The production process of large tank models


  1. 3D drawing of tank model: Surveying and mapping of 3D drawings according to tank parameters, and scaling according to the required scale. 2. Tank model skeleton production: Make the skeleton of the tank model according to the drawings


  3. Steel plate skin of tank model: Cover the made tank model skeleton with cut tank model iron sheet. Production of the load-bearing structure of the 4 tank model:


  1.   5. Production of Tank Model's Artillery Framework: Produce the tank model's turret support according to the drawings. 6. Tank Model's turret skin: After making the tank model's turret framework, the cut tank model's skin steel plate is then skinned according to the drawings.20220611022749657.png

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