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发布时间:2024-11-05 来源:/

 微信图片_20201116101748   1、首先就是对JD足球反波胆投资官网的方案设计:这个主要是针对需要设计的客户,在JD足球反波胆投资官网设计时要考虑它的环境,从而来确定它的内容、形式、色彩等,设计出一套完整的大型变形金刚方案。

  1. Firstly, it is the scheme design for the large aircraft model: this is mainly aimed at the customers who need to design it. When designing the large aircraft model, their environment should be considered to determine its content, form, color, etc., and to design a complete set of large Transformers schemes.

  2、其次就是小稿制作: 复杂或者大型的铁艺变形金刚,需要根据方案进行小稿制作,等小稿做好后再将小稿等比例放大,有的JD足球反波胆投资官网作时需要设计主支架,这就得需要JD足球反波胆投资官网制作师 傅清楚它所能承受的载荷、尺寸、外形等等情况;

  2. Secondly, there is the production of small drafts: for complex or large wrought iron Transformers, small drafts need to be made according to the plan. After the small drafts are completed, they can be scaled up proportionally. Some large aircraft models require the design of a main bracket, which requires the master of the large aircraft model to be clear about the load, size, shape, and other conditions it can withstand;


  3. Then comes the flipping process: turning the draft into a hard material mold, usually using small molds;


  4. Next is the surface painting of the model: different colors will be applied to the aircraft model according to the requirements;


  5. Next is forging: forging a complete iron model according to the mold, polishing the sculpture multiple times, and then surface treating it;

  6、后一步就是安装:一般为焊 接,较牢固,即模型本身的骨架与基座上预埋铁焊 接,预埋铁下边焊 接钢筋,根据模型的尺寸来确定钢筋的长度以及预埋铁的大小。

  6. The next step is installation: usually welding, which is more secure, that is, welding the skeleton of the model itself to the embedded iron on the base, welding steel bars under the embedded iron, and determining the length of the steel bars and the size of the embedded iron according to the size of the model.

  根据具体情况结合水泥、大理石等材料安装装饰,安装方面由客户提供吊车、铰手架、水泥等。我公司派专 业安装人员将变形金刚模型安装到位。

  Install decoration based on specific conditions and materials such as cement and marble. The customer will provide cranes, articulated frames, cement, etc. for installation. Our company dispatched professional installers to install the Transformers model in place.


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